Retirement planning to help you confidently navigate life’s twists and turns

Your Route to Retirement Begins Here

With Sonoran Wealth Systems, LLC, you’re not left wandering the desert of retirement planning. We take a personal approach to planning and help empower you to make better, more-informed decisions for yourself and your loved-ones.

mobile mock up of 'will your money last as long as you do' white-paper

Retirement Planning Have You Feeling Lost? We can help you navigate your options.

Just as the roadrunner expertly maneuvers through the vast desert landscapes, our team excels in guiding you through the intricate paths of retirement planning.

Worried About Running Out of Money in Retirement?

Whether you’re approaching retirement or already there, Tim Van Houten provides the tools and knowledge you need to take control of your financial future. Drawing from his nearly three decades of experience in the financial services industry, he provides practical, real-life strategies for navigating the changing landscape of retirement planning. In “Never Run Out of Money,” he’ll show you how to:

·  Protect your savings from market volatility and inflation
·  Create a reliable income stream that lasts a lifetime
·   Preserve your estate and leave a lasting legacy
·   And much more

Get your free copy of “Never Run Out of Money” and start taking control of your retirement today.

Neither the firm nor its agents or representatives may give tax or legal advice. Individuals should consult with a qualified professional for guidance before making any purchasing decisions. Investing involves risk, including the potential loss of principal. The firm is not affiliated with or endorsed by the U.S. government or any governmental agency.

Our Financial Services

As an independent firm, we have access to a wide array of products, services and approaches to creating your custom financial strategy.

Services 1

IRA Legacy



Asset Protection

Income Strategies




Attend Our

Upcoming Event

Have questions about preparing for retirement? We've got you covered. Our events address some of the most common retirement concerns while connecting you with a community of like-minded individuals focused on achieving a secure and vibrant retirement. Join us!

April 02

Social Security 101 Workshop

Scottsdale, AZ 85250
